Kaelin Shaker

Kaelin Shaker – Associate in Applied Science Degree

Kaelin Shaker - Associate in Arts DegreeKaelin Shaker - Associate in Arts DegreeFor many college students, completing all the requirements for a rigorous academic program is a challenge. But for Mesa Community College dental hygiene student Kaelin Shaker, 25, it was especially challenging—she had a baby halfway through the program.

Shaker, an Honors Program student, graduates in May with an Associate in Applied Science degree and is eligible to take the written and clinical exams necessary to obtain a license in Dental Hygiene. She plans to transfer to Northern Arizona University’s dental hygiene completion program.

She said the support she received from classmates, faculty, her husband and her parents enabled her to finish her degree on time.

“My pregnancy was fairly easy, but I still experienced a lot of fatigue and some nausea, and my recovery was a lot more difficult than usual,” Shaker said. “But I knew that I was going to graduate, so it didn't stop me from working hard. Having a cute baby pining for your attention definitely made studying and getting homework done more difficult, but it's totally doable.”



Shaker said she loved attending MCC and took many of her classes at the Red Mountain Campus.

“All of the teachers that I worked with have been amazing, but especially within the hygiene program,” said Shaker, a Presidential Scholarship recipient. “I've never had any difficulty with enrollment; I love the campuses and the resources available at each of them.”


“Everything I needed to succeed, whether it was a quiet room to focus and study, or somewhere to work out to help me relieve some stress, was available to me at MCC,” Shaker said. “Again, I knew I was going to graduate and so I rolled with the punches along the way and kept my sights on my long-term goal.”


Her advice to other students facing challenges?

“Just set your mind on your goal and you will figure it out!”

Find out more about MCC's Dental Hygiene program here://m.channelac.com/departments/applied-sciences-and-technology/dental-hygiene