
The Life Science Department has returned to campus for the Fall 2021 semester. The main office located in NU-170 is open for business, Mon-Thurs, from 8am-4:30pm.

Plants and Society (BIO108)

Plants & SocietyEuphorbia rigida and Opuntia lindheimeri var. linguiformis

Are interested in the food you eat, the medicines you take, and the plants you grow in your yard?

Then BIO 108 - Plants & Society is the course for you.

What Students Say

“I liked walking around campus and looking at all the plants.”

“The genetics lab with corn is pretty interesting.”

“I will remember the osmosis lab and how the Elodea and red onion looked under the microscope.”

This user-friendly, non-majors biology course focuses on how we use plants in our daily lives.

The hands-on labs and in-class exercises give each student a chance to explore science and share their ideas with others.

This course meets the SQ science requirement at ASU and has good transferability to the other state schools.

This is a popular class and fills quickly each semester.

Interested? Questions?
Contact the Life Science Department for more information @ 480-461-7115.

Course Description:

Plants & Society BIO 108

A global study of plants in relation to humans; as a source of food fiber, drugs, and
other products; for aesthetic value, survival, and energy.


Course Attribute(s):General Education Designation: Natural Sciences (Quantitative) -