






民主承诺宣言。一个健康的民主政体有赖于公民的参与、对自己的权利感到自豪、对自己的责任深思熟虑并了解自己的选择。Thomas Jefferson简单地说:“开明的公民对于共和国的正常运作是必不可少的。除非公民被教育充分接受教育,否则自政府是不可能的,以使他们能够行使监督。“今天共和国的状况是由受苦派对驱动的国家政治标志。我们的话语是不愿意彼此倾听的标志。Our elected leaders seldom moved past sound bites to engage in collaborative solutions to the nation’s growing list of problems.由于种族,经济环境和地理位置,美国人之间的划分越来越困难。与此同时,我们的许多公民缺乏对民主权力行使的公民和民主机构的基本知识。投票太少,太多了从他们认为无关的过程中疏远,太多对他们改变生活环境的能力有些值得怀疑。 This alienation from politics and from the democratic process is dangerous for the nation. A people who are cynical about democracy are too easily prey to manipulation; a nation that does not engage its citizens in civic work loses the imagination and capacity of those citizens. American higher education has a long history of service to democracy. Our nation’s colleges and universities have always had a mission to make education available to the many, not only to the few, and to ensure that the benefits and obligations of education were a democratic opportunity. This is a proud history, but it is not enough. Beyond access to education itself, colleges and universities have an obligation to educate about democracy, to engage students in both an understanding of civic institutions and the practical experience of acting in the public arena. The American community colleges share this mission of educating about democracy, not least because we are the gateway to higher education for millions who might not otherwise get a postsecondary education. More critically, we are rooted deeply in local communities that need the civic leadership and practical democratic capacity of our students for their political and social health. Community college students come from all walks of life and all social stations. Our students represent all ethnicities and religious communities. Our learners are all ages. Their ability to exercise their democratic rights and work together in public life, to be generous and tolerant and yet able to advocate for themselves, will help to determine the future of our communities. America’s community colleges are much in the news these days. We enroll nearly half of all students in American higher education. We prepare students for transfer to university, for entry into the job market, and for lives of continual learning. We provide critical services in basic skills, literacy and developmental education. We are an integral part of the economic and social development of our local communities, and serve rural, urban and suburban regions across the nation. The demands of economic recovery have brought increased attention to America’s community colleges, as our colleges play a critical role in preparing men and women for entry into the job marker, and in providing education and skill development for workers laid off during the recession. Community colleges have a well-deserved reputation for programs that lead to immediate employment, and for being responsive to changes in the local and regional job markets. At the same time, community colleges provide low-cost and accessible two-year programs in the liberal arts and sciences, and a significant percentage of our students transfer to America’s four-year colleges and universities. Indeed, more than half of all Americans who receive bachelor’s degrees from state colleges and universities have transferred from community colleges. The American community colleges do more, however, than educate for the job market or for transfer to university. We have a critical role to play in preparing our students for their roles as citizens and engaged members of their communities. In service to democracy and the future of our communities, we announce a new traditional initiative: The Democracy Commitment. The Democracy Commitment will provide a national platform for the development for the development and expansion of programs and projects aiming at engaging community college students in civic learning and democratic practice. Our goal is that every graduate of an American community college shall have an education in democracy. This includes all our students, whether they aim to transfer to university, earn an associate degree, or obtain a certificate. The Democracy Commitment asks of participating community colleges the following: • A public commitment to the central role of civic education • Intentional support for both curricular and extracurricular programs that build civic skills among students, especially focusing on projects that support students in doing public work • Faculty and staff development in civic engagement • Partnerships with local civic, non-profit and government agencies whose primary work is the social and economic development of local communities • Participation in a national clearinghouse of program designs, curricula and projects development strategies for community colleges • Participation in an annual meeting that brings together faculty, staff, administrators and partners • Development of joint regional and national programs with partner universities, and with national higher education associations America’s community colleges have enormous talent and capacity, with faculty and staff committed to the success of our students, and with students bright with ambition and passion. All of us share a commitment to a democratic nation. Now is the time to fulfill that commitment. We presidents and chancellors of community colleges and community college districts across the nation, are proud to affix or signatures as founding members of The Democracy Commitment on this day, Friday, the fourth of November 2011, in New York City.

A - D

  • Janell d Alewyn、图书馆员、图书馆
  • 贝丝Alsen教与学中心教学设计师
  • 基思·D安德森,英语教师
  • 大卫·巴恩斯社区合作伙伴梅萨商会
  • 塞萨尔·e·贝塞拉,协调员招聘计划
  • 格伦·m·班尼特、音乐教师
  • 卢卡斯波定梅萨社区学院学生联合会主席
  • 伯顿Borlongan,计算机信息系统
  • 许慧欣m .保龄球,服装销售设计
  • 杰西卡·布拉德福德行政秘书业务与信息系统
  • 特丽莎Brazda, Web Developer, Institutional Advancement
  • 保罗·w·布鲁尔、音乐教师
  • 金伯利Broxham,时装销售学院
  • 戴安娜泛熊,商学院
  • 玛吉Cataldo e .,英语教师
  • 罗伯特·p·查普曼计算机信息系统
  • 辛西娅·康诺利美国服务队社区与公民参与中心协调员
  • 利安的谋士,学生工作者,社区和公民参与中心
  • Pam邓普西机构发展平面设计学院
  • 布莱恩Dille,学院,社会科学
  • Dori Dipietro.,MCC社会工作计划主任
  • 凯文·杜丝勒,戏剧活动总监

E - H

  • 安·尤因心理科学教师
  • 詹妮弗·r·费伊教师,运动科学
  • 珍妮特弗顿工商及信息系统学院
  • 索尼娅Filan,机构发展主任
  • 蒂姆Florschuetz,英语教师
  • 克里斯弗朗哥,社区与公民参与中心项目专家
  • 薇琪盖乐葛斯,社区与公民参与中心行政秘书
  • Puvana Ganesan,沟通、戏剧和电影艺术
  • Dr.Annapurna Ganesh,教师教育研究
  • Azul戈麦斯,图书管理员
  • 安东尼•格里菲思阅读能力
  • 莎拉•海恩斯社区伙伴特奥会
  • 凯伦·哈丁总监、咨询
  • 希瑟Haskell,社区和公民参与中心的支持人员
  • 凯伦Heffron,美国服务队社区与公民参与中心助理协调员
  • 黛比Henney、经济学教师
  • Jaime H. Herrera,英语教师
  • Paul Hickey系统管理员
  • 黛比·Holexa教师、口腔卫生
  • 威廉·d·霍洛威学院老网络技术员
  • 苏西霍顿,心理科学教师
  • 罗伯特•亨特音乐教师

I - L

  • 尼尔·雅各布森、生物学教师
  • 芭芭拉·M约旦,英语教师
  • 洛雷塔Kissell,沟通、戏剧和电影艺术学院
  • 洛葛仙妮包,数学教师
  • Shereen勒纳文化科学教师
  • 洛丽·c·梁时装设计学院
  • h . Lovelady音乐教师

M -问

  • 林恩·a·Mallery英语教师
  • 杰里米·p·迈耶英语教师
  • 查理•莫里斯教师,英语
  • 帕特里斯·d·Nango哲学与宗教研究系
  • 肖恩·牛顿教员,门诊部护理教育
  • 罗莎·帕尔多,总统行政秘书办公室
  • 布鲁斯·彼得森传播、戏剧和电影艺术学院
  • 莫妮卡Pirshafiey,社区和公民参与中心办公室协调员
  • 马洛里Prucha通讯、戏剧和电影艺术学院

R - T

  • 蒂娜·兰格舞蹈教师
  • 艾琳·罗森、通信能力
  • 诺拉·雷耶斯,教师教育研究
  • 黎明罗兹,社区与公民参与中心项目专家
  • CJ -罗伯室内设计教师
  • 伊丽莎白·r·罗德里格斯图书管理员
  • 小茉莉萨拉姆,Phi Theta Kappa社区和公民参与中心的支持人员
  • 罗伯特·d·参孙网络与安全网络学院教员
  • Teryl D. Sands,英语教师
  • 朗达Schlatter,英语教师
  • 玛丽Schwenck,文化科学部行政秘书
  • 约翰•Seims数学与计算机科学系
  • 莫拉Shahan,残疾资源和服务行政秘书
  • 凯瑟琳·谢菲尔德英语教师
  • 谭雅·t·史密斯,发展行政秘书
  • 马西Snitzer,协调,校友关系和内部沟通
  • 南希·Southworth图书馆助理、图书馆
  • 琳达Stapley,艺术传播及戏剧系办公室助理
  • k·安·斯坦运动科学学院
  • 伊莉斯甜,服务学习咨询委员会顾问委员
  • 卡洛琳•泰勒,物理科学兼职学院
  • 卡拉·e·汤姆森,交流戏剧与电影学院
  • 小理查德·l·托勒商业与信息系统学院

U - Z

  • 丹尼斯·威尔逊,生命科学学院
  • Jennifer L木头,数学与计算机科学系
  • 罗杰·尤伊,教务主任
  • 大卫J. Yount.,哲学教授
  • 黎明齐默,媒体关系协调员,机构进步