Terrarium Cam

Watch Sonoran Desert Wildlife including rattlesnakes, non-venomous snakes, a Gila monster, fish and a toad.


Video may include the feeding of frozen mice to reptiles. All animal handling and feeding procedures have been vetted with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC),a federally mandated committee. For more information on feeding times, please visitfacebook.com/crittersredmt

We are still working to embed a streaming video player on this webpage. In the meantime, you can connect to the live camera with a video streaming application with the URL found below. You can use an application such as the VLC Media Player. Instructions for VLC can be found below.


Instructions on streaming video in the VLC Media Player

These steps assume that you have VLC installed on your computer.

  1. Open up VLC
  2. In the "Media" menu, select "Open Network Stream..."
  3. Copy and paste the network stream URL from above
  4. Click on the Play button to begin watching the stream