Meet Mesa Community College's new President, Dr. Tammy Robinson

Dr. Tammy RobinsonDear Alumni and MCC Community,

It is with purpose and enthusiasm that I begin as the new president of Mesa Community College. My knowledge and understanding of the work to be done and goals to be achieved are informed by 25 years of higher education experience. I proudly began as a tenured faculty member in English. This was followed by a decade devoted to administrative positions including serving as dean, athletic director and in executive leadership roles.

Most recently I was Vice President of Instruction at Cañada College in Redwood City, California, which is located 25 miles outside of San Francisco. I also served as the Vice President of the California Community College Chief Instructional Officers Executive Board. In 2020, I received the Carter Doren Leadership Award, which is an honor bestowed on CIOs by their peers.

我是第一代的大学毕业生,so many pursuing higher education at MCC. This is a testament to the work done by so many at the community college level. It also speaks to the power of achieving an education that, in one generation, my family went from not completing high school to a daughter becoming a college president. I hope that others are motivated by this personal foundation that aspires to shape higher education as a beacon of hope for the students who often don’t even dare to dream of a secure, sustainable future.

Among the many reasons I was drawn to this position is MCC’s authentic pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Acknowledging, understanding, and removing barriers to higher education are vital to meeting the needs of the burdensome challenges students face. I am so proud to lead a college that, with a long-standing partnership with the City of Mesa, became the first higher education institution in the state to offer a College Promise Program. This is a phenomenal advancement for the college, the state, and the region.

I also take pride in serving and collaborating on national boards such as the Workforce Development Commission for the American Association of Community Colleges. From that experience I bring focus to expand MCC’s national reputation for long-established partnerships with business and industry. I have seen how these connections uplift students and energize the economy by educating those in the community to fill in-demand, 21st century jobs.

As we move into our fall semester, I look forward to attending college and public events to meet with, listen to, learn from, and share with all of you in MCC’s surrounding and supportive community about the benefits of attending college, giving to the college, and helping us live up to our mission.

With gracious aspirations,

Tammy Robinson, Ed.D.
President, Mesa Community College