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All responses are confidential and are going to be used to help us review our program to continue to meet the needs of students.NDeveloped my ability to assess my abilities, set goals and implement my plans. Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Neutral Disagree Somewhat Not Applicable Strongly Disagree,13. What is your current employment status? (choose one)-Employed (indicate field of employment below)aNot currently employed but seeking employment (indicate type of employment you are seeking below)a.b.c.UIf you are employed please complete this section, otherwise skip to the next section. 20,000-30,000*14. What are your long-term career goals?Not seeking employment <20,000>30,000Helped me advance at my job. EducationCommunity college University/16. What are your long-term educational goals? Satisfaction Very SatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat Satisfied)What did you like most about the program? Very DissatisfiedThank you for participating=15. Have you taken courses since receiving your certificate?8Taken courses in a related field. (Indicate where below)Taken courses in another field.Didn't enroll in other courses,Would you recommend the program to a friend?7What suggestions would you make to improve the program?XXXX Former Student Surveyt1. What was your primary educational goal when you enrolled in xxxx classes at Mesa Community College? (choose one)lIndicate your agreement with the following statements concerning your experience in the xxxx program at MCC:-Prepared me for employment in the xxxx field.=Prepared me for further training in xxxx or a related field. Completing the xxxx program:#In a field directly related to xxxx#In a field somewhat related to xxxxIn a field unrelated to xxxx Job status: Salary range: Company Name: Position:Not ApplicableN17. How satisfied were you with the following components of the xxxx program?YesMaybeNo Full-time Part-timeContent of courses: curriculumTimes of classesbC {.Nf |E t=  cc  a,-8[D  dMbP?_*+%&L&P&CMesa Community College&?'?()?MHP LaserJet 10204 oXXSDDMHP LaserJet 1020-(dAMPLEntialAMPLEntialrial"_XX{Gz?U} $} } } m} Ia;@;@@w@J  h h h ,,h;V,,,,,,,,,,,,iJ K C"CCCCCCCCCCCCCC CD"CCCCCCCCCCCCCC @"AAAAAAAAAAAAAB    " DE"DDDDDDDDDDDDDD        > ?????!  """ ??????!!!!!!!! DF"DDDDDDDDDDDDDD  !!!! - - -! -" -$ -# %I!~ (@ ' ' ' ' ' / EEEEEEEE~ )@      0 FGFFFFFFF~ )@      0 FFFFFFFF~ )@      0 FHFFFFFFF~ )@      0 F2FFFFFFF~ )@      0 FFFFFFFF~ )@      0 FFFFFFFF~ ) @      0 GGGGGGGG~ )"@      0 GGGGGGGG~ )$@      0 FFFFFFFF~ )&@      0 FFFFFFFF~ )(@      0 FFFFFFFF).#!    ##!!BX X444:2&488^4"l2!Y"Y#Y$Y%Y&Y',(,),*Y+Y,K-./0J@1J@2J@3J@4J5K6Y7Y8Y9Y:Y;Y<,=,>Y?Y@K !#%!!!!!!!!! ! !$$$ "#&"!!!!!!! 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