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" ! !X  @    !x   ! ) ) )0@@ )0@ )0 @  " !0@ `;CompleterSurvey  ;jThKm#Preparation to enter the job marketPreparation to change careers Transfer to a college/universityPersonal interest/development(Other program specific)ONeutralMesa Community CollegeAFill in the circle next the the answer that reflects your answer.9Improvement of  job skills for job held while in program EmploymentEducational goals(Allowed me to meet my educational goals.CProvided skills that I have used since graduating from the program.6Broadened my understanding of ethics in the workplace.JImproved my ability use oral, written and listening skills to communicate.NStrengthened my ability to collaborate with others to accomplish common goals.6Increased my ability to use and understand technology.&Developed my critical thinking skills.(Dear former student: Please take a few minutes to carefully respond to each of the following questions and return the completed survey to us in the envelope provided. All responses are confidential and are going to be used to help us review our program to continue to meet the needs of students.NDeveloped my ability to assess my abilities, set goals and implement my plans. Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Neutral Disagree Somewhat Not Applicable Strongly DisagreeUIf you are employed please complete this section, otherwise skip to the next section. 20,000-30,000<20,000>30,000Helped me advance at my job. EducationCommunity college University Satisfaction Very SatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat Satisfiedcourse offeringscontent of courses: curriculumquality of instructiontimes of classesavailability of facultylabscostprogram advisement,career counseling and job placement servicestexts and learning materialsnot applicable)What did you like most about the program? Very DissatisfiedThank you for participating7What suggestions would you make to improve the program? Add your program specific goals.#Pursuing a career in another field.Can't work for personal reasonsMilitary service. Continuing my education instead.YesNo5 What is your current employment status? (choose one)Where have you taken courses?On the job training#Private college or technical schoolXHave you taken courses in a related field since receiving your certificate? (Choose one)FWould you recommend the program to a friend or co-worker? (select one)I definitely would.I probably would. I would not.program specific item%What year did you receive your award?What is your gender? What is your ethnicity?Background QuestionsMaleFemaleHispanicBlackAsianAmerican IndianWhite,non hispanic CertificateAAAAS1What degree or certificate did you earn from MCC?"Employed in a field related to XXX$Seeking employment in the XXX field.@Not seeking employment in the XXX field (indicate reasons below) !2001-022002-032003-042000-011999-00Other OtherXXXX Program Completer Survey bWhat was your primary educational goal for obtaining a certificate or degree in XXXX? (choose one)PTZIndicate your agreement with the following statements concerning the XXXX program at MCC: DEIJCompleting the XXXX program: ,Prepared me for employment in the XXXX field<Prepared me for further training in XXXX or a related field Job status: Position: Salary range: Company Name:IHow satisfied were you with the following components of the XXXX program?<@ Full-time Part-timerH E od(w;I P   e)  ccv  ,$2=nKRWT\<`  dMbP?_*+%5&L&P&RMesa Community College&?'?()?MHP LaserJet 1020""@ @   4 oXX8""@ @ 8 " @ 8" @ SDDMHP LaserJet 1020-(dAMPLEntialAMPLEntialrial"_XX{Gz?U} $} } } } I} } m} ;@;@@w@J'+) ) h) h) h) ,))h);)V),+,),),),),),),),),),),),),) J) k"kkkkkkkkkkkkkk ]`"kkkkkkkkkkkkkk h"iiiiiiiiiiiiij$ l lllllllllllll c "cccccccccccccc")************* da"dddddddddddddd , d ddddd , d ddd , d ddddd , d ddd , f  ggggg- , d^ dddD gggggg-------- db"dddddddddddddd,,,,---- 7 7 7 7 7 7 1c11111113 2 2 2 2 2 9 _ _______4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^d^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^ ^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^e^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : eeeeeeee4 ! ! ! ! ! : eeeeeeee4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : ^^^^^^^^4 ! ! ! ! ! : \6\\\\\\\4 ! ! ! ! ! : \6\\\\\\\4 ! ! ! ! ! : \6\\\\\\\ 4 ! ! ! ! ! : \6 \\\\\\\B X444<4&4\\`4"z!J)")#J'$K)%Y)&)'Y)(Y))Y)*,)+,),)-).x)/)0'1h'2h@3J@4K)5J'6K)7Y)8Y)9Y):Y);Y)<,)=x)>J'?)@h)!4 !! !! !! !! !! !: !\6!\\\\\\\"4!!!!!8OPQQ #c "#cccccccccccccc$/!!!!!/-- %^="%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&/&-------, & -000'K 'I 'bV'bbbbbbbbbbbb(K (I (bW(bbbbbbbbbbbb)K )I )bX)bbbbbbbbbbbb *5, *, */7*-----, * , * /9 * --- +5, +, +):+-----, + , + /8 + ---$,5,,/-----,,/---$-/,,/---00ST0000$./,,/---00ST0000 /A"/;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 0`f0` 0, 0`k 0`6 0`h0` 0, 0 `0 ` 0 6i 0 6660 1-6 1, 1_l1_666 1, 1 `1 `@@@@1 2, 2 a2 a 2 g2''''''3L3,3 ><EE3''''''4/!!!!!/-- 5( 5&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6/!!!!!/-- 7/A7--------, 7 -0008/ 8, 8-; 8, 8-<8---, 8 -00095 9/>9/------, 9 000:5 :, :^!:^^^- :, : ^@: ^^^00 ;5/ ;, ;^";^^^- ;, ; ^?; ^^^00$<5,/------,/----$=/,,/---00ST0000 >(# >&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?/!!!!!/-- @/B@!!!!!/--D l 446HHHll(((4J<2<fBhl((2AhJBx)CY)DV)E,+F,)G,)H,)I,)J,)K,)L,)M,)N,)O,)P,)Q,)R)SY)TY)UYDVYDWYDXY)Y,)Z,)[Y)\B],B^KB_'`B AI AJC AMMM AI AJDAN A I A JEB--------, B -000 C^j"C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ D7$ D7% D7 D7& D73 D71 D1-E3 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E9 E_'E_______F4 F! 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