Southern and Dobson Campus Map

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Directory Location Bldg # Prefix
Academic Skills Center Library 11 LB
ACE Program 6 NU
Adaptive Lab/Disability Resources (Tech) 37 N
Administration Library 11 LB
Administration of Justice Studies Social / Cultural Science 14 SC
Admissions & Records Enrollment Center 39
Advisement & Registration Enrollment Center 39
Agribusiness/Urban Horticulture Technology Building 50 TC
Alumni Relations Academic Support 4 AS
American Indian Institute 36 N
Applied Sciences Faculty Offices, Classrooms Technology Building 50 TC
Architecture & Construction Technology Building 50 TC
Art Faculty Offices, Classrooms Art / Communications 30 AC
Art Gallery Art Gallery 31 AG
Athletics Administration / Sports Offices 44
Athletics Administration / Sports Offices Heap Gymnasium 46
Athletics Student Learning Center PE/Ath. Complex 56 PC
Automotive Technology/Lab Technology Building 50 TC
Bookstore Student Services Complex 36
Box Office, MCC Theatre MCC Theatre 29 TH
Business Faculty Offices, Classrooms Business Building 43A BP
Business and Information Systems Business Building 43A BP
Cafeteria, Snack Bar Kirk Student Center 35S KSC
Career Services 36 N
Cashier Services Enrollment Center 39
Center for Community & Civic Engagement Kirk Student Center 35N KSC
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Academic Support Building 4 AS
Ceramics Studio Art/Comm. Building 30 AC
Child Development Lab Technology Building 50 TC
Children’s Center 26
College Police, First Aid, Lost & Found Social / Cultural Science 14 SC
College Technology Services (CTS) Administration 42 AD
Community Room / LB145 Library 11 LB
Computer Multi-use Lab, Classrooms Business Admin. 40 BA
Concurrent Enrollment 54B GC
Connect-4-Success 36 N
Copy Center, Mail Room Academic Support 4 AS
Counseling Center 37 N
Cultural Science Faculty Offices Social / Cultural Science 14 SC
Cycle Room PE/Ath. Complex 46
Dance Room PE/Ath. Complex 46
院长的Instruction Kirk Student Center 35N KSC
院长的Student Affairs Kirk Student Center 35N KSC
Development Office Administration 42 AD
Disability Resources & Services 37 N
Drafting / CAD Technology 50 TC
Dual Enrollment 54B GC
Early College 54B GC
Education Studies Faculty Offices Social/Cultural Sciences Building 14 SC
eLearning 4 AS
Electronics Technology Technology Building 50 TC
English Faculty Offices, Classrooms Liberal Arts 1,3 LA
Enrollment Center
Admissions, Records, Registration Advisement, Cashier, Financial Aid, Scholarships
Enrollment Center 39
ESL Student Support Center Kirk Student Center 35 KSC
Exercise Science Classrooms/Labs Health-Wellness Building 8 HW
Exercise Science Faculty Offices Social/Cultural Sciences Building 14 SC
Facilities, Vehicle Scheduling Maintenance Offices 48
Fashion Merchandising & Design Technology Building 50 TC
Financial Aid Enrollment Center 39
First Aid, College Police, Lost & Found College Police 14 SC
Fiscal Office Administration 42 AD
Fitness Center PE/Ath. Complex 46
General Classrooms A, B, C 54A - 54C GC
Graduation Services 36N
Greenhouse, Land Lab Agriculture 51
理由认为咖啡馆 Academic Support Building 4 AS
Gymnasium, T.J. Heap PE/Ath. Complex 46
Health Improvement Center (HIC) PE/Ath. Complex 47 HIC
Health-Wellness Health-Wellness Building 8 HW
HelpCenter Academic Support 4 AS
Honors Department Kirk Student Center 35S KSC
HOOP of Learning 54B GC
Horticulture Faculty Offices Technology Building 50 TC
Human Resources Administration 42 AD
Institutional Advancement (IA) Academic Support 4 AS
Institutional Effectiveness 6 NU
Interior Design Technology Building 50 TC
International Education 36N
Journalism, Newspaper,Mesa Legend English/Foreign Language 2 EF
Kirk Student Center Kirk Student Center 35S KSC
Land Lab Agriculture 51
Learning Enhancement Center Library 11 LB
Library, Paul A. Elsner Library 11 LB
Life Science Classrooms, Labs Life Science 12 LS
Life Science Faculty Offices, Computer Lab 6 NU
Lost & Found, College Police, First Aid Social/Cultural Sciences Building 14 SC
Mail Room, Copy Center Academic Support 4 AS
Maintenance & Operations 48
Manufacturing, Automation Technology Building 50 TC
Math/Computer Science Faculty Offices and Classrooms Math/Computer Science 5 MC
Math Foundation Center 7 MS
Math Tutor Center 7 MS
MCC Online 4 AS
MCC Theatre Design Lab 28 ST
MCC Theatre & Faculty Offices, Classrooms MCC Theatre 29 TH
MCC Theatre Scene Shop MCC Theatre 29 TH
Mechanical Plant 34
Mesa Community Outreach Center 54B GC
Mesa Legend(College Newspaper) English/Foreign Language 2 EF
多元文化事务/英语 36N
Multi-use Computer Lab, Classrooms 40 BA
音乐教师办公室,Classrooms 43 MU
Navajo Room 35S KSC
Network Academy 40 BA
Nursing Faculty Offices, Classrooms Health-Wellness 8 HW
Nutrition Faculty Offices, Classrooms Technology Building 50 TC
Occupational Health & Safety/Recycling 6 NU
Outreach Center 54B GC
PE 1W 46
Performing Arts Center 57 PAC
Philosophy Faculty Offices, Classrooms 43A BP
Photography Lab Art / Communications 30 AC
物理科学Classrooms, Labs, Faculty Offices, Tutor Center 物理科学 15 PS
Planetarium 物理科学 15 PS
President’s Office Library 11 LB
Psychological Sciences Faculty Offices, Classrooms 43A BP
Psychology Instructional Resource Center (PIRC) Administration 42 AD
Reading Faculty Offices, Classrooms Administration 42 AD
Receiving Dock Mechanical Plant 34
Records & Admissions Kirk Student Center 35 KSC
Recruitment 54A GC
Registration & Advisement Enrollment Center 39
Religious Studies Faculty Offices, Classrooms 43A BP
Scholarships Enrollment Center 39
Service-Learning Kirk Student Center 35N KSC
Social Science Faculty Office, Classrooms Social / Cultural Science 14 SC
Sound Lab, Music Studios 28 ST
Southwest Studies Reading Room Library 11 LB
Speech Communication Faculty Offices and Classrooms Art / Communications 30 AC
Sports Offices 49
Student Financial Services, Financial Aid Enrollment Center 39
Student Life & Leadership Kirk Student Center 35S KSC
Student Government Offices, ASMCC Kirk Student Center 35S KSC
Student Lounge Student Lounge 36S
Testing Center Testing Center 38
Theatre 29 TH
University Transfer Center 54A GC
Veteran Services Kirk Student Center 35N KSC
Veterinary Technology Technology Building 50 TC
VP of Administration Services Library 11 LB
VP of Academic Affairs Library 11 LB
VP of Information Technology Library 11 LB
VP of Student Affairs Library 11 LB
Welding Technology Welding Lab 52
World Language Faculty Offices 41
World Language Learning Lab Academic Support 4 AS
Writing Center Library 11 LB